Light Up Yo-Yo's

  • Featuring a durable, plastic casing and strong twine
  • Available in blue, red, and assorted colors
Production Time: 5 Working Days
150 $2.67 each
250 $2.42 each
500 $2.25 each
1000 $2.09 each
2500 $1.92 each
5000 $1.84 each
$60.00 each
Select these classic promotional products for your next marketing campaign and see where you wind up. Featuring a durable, plastic casing and strong twine these enlightening toys measure 2 1/4" for easy use. Choose from 3 vibrant color options (including assorted), add your custom imprint and watch your business roll. Ideal for trade shows or school fundraisers. As a customizable product it's perfect for promoting any type of business or event. One sided imprint only.
Available in: Red, Blue, Assorted

Normal Production Time
5 Working Days

Product Size
2 1/4 x

Additional Information
Price Includes: 1 color -
Decoration Method: Pad printed
Imprint Location:
Imprint Area: 1 1/4 x

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Humans available at 646-420-2800