Digital BBQ Thermometer Fork

Production Time: 5 Working Days
50 $11.95 each
100 $11.75 each
250 $11.50 each
500 $11.25 each
1000 $10.95 each
Digital BBQ thermometer fork. Digital electroluminescent LCD screen provides large, easy to read, and accurate temperature read-out for six different types of meat (lamb, veal, beef, pork, chicken, and turkey). Choose between well done, medium, medium-rare and rare. Built-in alarm notifies you when the meat is properly cooked. Uses 2 "AAA" batteries (ncluded).

Normal Production Time
5 Working Days

Product Size
Length:13 3/4:in;Width:1 3/8:in;Height:1:in

Additional Information
Digital BBQ thermometer fork. Temperature readout for 6 different types of meat.

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Humans available at 646-420-2800