Eco-friendly Recycled cardboard pen

Production Time: 20 Working Days
500 $0.51 each
1000 $0.35 each
2500 $0.32 each
5000 $0.26 each
10000 $0.23 each
$50.00 each
Minimum Quantity: 300
Give loyal customers the gift of going green with this elegant recycled pen! This eco-friendly pen is designed with a biodegradable Write sustainably with our Eco-Friendly Recycled Cardboard Pen. Made from recycled paper, it's a small choice that leaves a big impact on the planet. Add a charity or organization logo, message,or marketing design. Be a trusted friend to your clientele and to the earth with this amazing recycled cardboard pen!

Normal Production Time
20 Working Days

Product Size


Country of Manufacture

Additional Information
Call for Canadian Pricing. Imprint size is 2x0.25"

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Humans available at 646-420-2800