**CLOSEOUT** Insignia Black Leatherette 24 CD Holder

  • Free Personalization
  • The Insignia Series CD holder is constructed out of black leatherette and features a sophisticated oval medallion.
  • Designed to hold up to 24 discs, this case is ideal for keeping CDs organized in the home, car, or office.
  • Makes a great promotion for music store and radio stations.
  • Laser engrave this CD case with your company name and logo
Production Time: 7 Working Days
25 $5.73 each
50 $5.48 each
250 $5.28 each
500 $4.98 each
$50.00 each
Minimum Quantity: 25
We've got a great promotion for you!

Normal Production Time
7 Working Days

Additional Information
Standard packaging is a gift box. Logo set-up: $50.00(G) Straight line text set-up: $25.00(G). Personalization is available and free. One setup per PO. 1st area of engraving is included with no run charge. 2nd area of engraving is $1.00(G). Blank items receive (EQP) End Quantity Pricing. First column pricing plus 20% charge for less than minimum quantity ordered. Rush service available up to a 1-day production time. Engraving Area: 1.25" x .50"

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Humans available at 646-420-2800