18 oz Stainless Steel Insulated Vacuum Tumbler Bottle

Production Time: 5 Working Days
48 $18.57 each
96 $17.70 each
288 $17.17 each
576 $16.67 each
This tumbler bottle will provide hot coffee and a cool giveaway. Measuring 8 1/4"H x 3"D, this 18 oz. vacuum tumbler is offered in an assortment of bold colors and features a flip closure lid. Each one can be customized with a one color imprint, showcasing a brand name, logo or message of your choosing. Great for use at home, at the office or in the car. Available with digital etch customization which reveals brilliant stainless underneath.

Normal Production Time
5 Working Days

Rush Production Time
24 Hour Rush: 1 Working Day

Product Size
8 1/4" H x 3" D

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